Crystal Color

Whether or not you are familiar with crystal, you sure know that there are different color of crystal. They not only beauty appearance but each color brings some meaningful statement for the owner.

There are some crystal colors with their correspondence meaning for your reference: Black – This is the most powerful color as it contains all the colors within. Hence, people believe that use black color crystal can help to see all possibilities.

Blue – Peaceful color among others. So people like to use blue crystal when fall into nervous or restless.

Red – The most “energy” color. Therefore, we can use red crystal to overcome depression and lack of vitality.

Green – Looking for healing and balance? Green crystal can help as Green indicates Nature.

Yellow – Yellow is a color which related to the conscious mind. If we are unclear about our direction in life, then we can use yellow crystal to help.

Clear – Some people believe the clear crystal can help to establish trust in the Universe as this color crystal related to our intuition and communication with others.

Orange - Orange color indicates power and friendliness. We cab use orange crystal to strengthen personal power when we are in situation of fears, low self-esteem, or feel insecurity.

Pink – Mostly girl like pink color as this is color of love and pain release. Use pink crystal when we want to send love to someone or when our heart feels hurt.

Violet – Some students like this color as violet related to wisdom and enlightenment. People like to use violet crystal to overcome boring or lack of spiritual growth.