Crystal Feng Shui

Crystal is one of the common choices when people looking for a Feng Shui harmonization in house, office or even personal life. These crystals like quartz crystals which available in different size, shapes and forms are considered sacred since ancient times.
Feng shui is all about balancing the energy flow within spaces. Based on theory of the phenomenon of balancing environmental energies, Feng Shui will bring good health, wealth and fortune to us with proper Feng Shui principles application.
  • Enhance our energy to achieve our life goals either health or wealth (majority business man apply Feng Shui due to this reason)
  • Improve harmonious relationships (mostly apply by female)
  • Generate an environment which can support our productivity (that’s reason why sometime we can see people put a crystal product on their office desk)

Here is how you can use the Clear Crystal Lotus Flower in Feng Shui to a better life:

1. Display the Clear Crystal Lotus Blossom Flower in your living room, family area, office table and business premises to enhance wealth and overall good luck. The Lotus also serves as a reminder that you will come out unscathed from any difficult situations if you put your mind to solving it.

2. Place a Clear Crystal Lotus Blossom Flower in your living room or bedroom to enhance the harmonious chi in your home and to prevent quarrels in the family. The Lotus will emit Chi to promote calmer minds and thoughts for better relationships among family members.

3. Place the Clear Crystal Lotus Blossom Flower near windows in your living room to catch the rays of the morning sun and reflect them into beautiful rainbow potent 'yang' energy to purify your surrounding chi and brings loads of luck into the home.

Here is how you can use the Crystal Pagoda in Feng Shui to a better life:

1. Place the Crystal Pagoda behind you at work to stimulate your career Chi', giving you influence over the people in your charge, making them listen to you. It will also protect your investments, ward off backstabbing and negative intentions from enemies at work thus enhance your career for promotional opportunities.

2. Display a Crystal Pagoda on your study desk or beside your bed for literary success. It helps you to focus your mental powers and develop better concentration and memory when you study thus help in attainment of educational success.

3. Place the Crystal Pagoda in the NorthEast sector of a bedroom to embellish the occupant's educational luck. The North East is the universal corner of education and knowledge, according to the Bagua Life Aspiration Theory <..>. The element of this sector is Earth. Having a Crystal Pagoda which element is also Earth further multiply its potency.

4. To dissipate illness energies, display a Crystal Pagoda figurine in the East sector (Health sector based on the Bagua Life Aspiration Theory) of your living room or dining area. You can also place a pagoda by the bed of a sick person to speed up recovery.

5. Place the Crystal Pagoda near your entrance i.e. lounge or living room to safe-guard your household or shop.