How to Use A Crystal Ball in Feng Shui

The crystal ball beams blessings wherever it is placed to be effectively cleansing the atmosphere of large areas or improve our luck by removing negative energies. There are few ways to place crystal ball in Feng Shui in order to get better result:

• To increase opportunities from our life helpful people, place crystal ball in the Northwest. For a best result, place six crystal balls here as it is the number of Northwest. It will smooth relationship between couples as well.

• To improve wealth luck, place a crystal ball in the southeast sector of our shops with near cash counter or work desk in office. This will helps to bring more sales and increase income.

• To accelerate our career, place a crystal ball on our work desk will be a good idea as this will aids in decision making. This is help to enhance concentration of study if we place on study desk for ourselves or our kids.

• To remove negative energy, we can place crystal ball at sharp corners or objects having pointed edges which is source of negative energy.

• To enhance relationship between couples, place crystal ball in southwest corner of our living room or bedroom.

• To have greater harmony in our family and magnify our speculative luck in life, place six crystal balls in the corner diagonal to the entrance of a room.

As mentioned, crystal balls are used to bring a harmonious, calming energy to any space in term of Feng Shui. If a house has many arguments, a clear quartz crystal ball will be placed in the living room to soothe and clear the energy. Crystal balls can also be used in a business setting to smooth the edges of chaotic, competitive energy and make it more productive.

To amplify the power of a crystal ball in your Feng Shui applications, you can use various crystals, such as rose quartz, citrine, amethyst or clear quartz. A black obsidian sphere will bring a very strong, grounding energy (excellent for business), while a rose quartz crystal ball will create a gently soothing, loving and nourishing energy (excellent for bedroom or children's room).