Different Crystal Color for Different Purpose of Crystal Feng Shui

In crystal world, crystal has different colors which can help to achieve good crystal Feng Shui. Here are some of the meanings of crystal colors and energies contained in Feng Shui crystal.


This is the most powerful color as it contains all the colors within. Hence, people believe that use black color crystal can help to see all possibilities.


Peaceful color among others. So people like to use blue crystal when fall into nervous or restless.


The most “energy” color. Therefore, we can use red crystal to overcome depression and lack of vitality.

Green Crystal

Looking for healing and balance? Green crystal can help as Green indicates Nature.

Yellow Crystal

Yellow is a color which related to the conscious mind. If we are unclear about our direction in life, then we can use yellow crystal to help.

Clear Crystal

Some people believe the clear crystal can help to establish trust in the Universe as this color crystal related to our intuition and communication with others.

Indigo Crystal

We can use indigo crystal when we feel we can’t see the “truth” as this color crystal can help to achieve a deeper state of meditation.


Orange color indicates power and friendliness. We cab use orange crystal to strengthen personal power when we are in situation of fears, low self-esteem, or feel insecurity.

Pink Crystal

Mostly girl like pink color as this is color of love and pain release. Use pink crystal when we want to send love to someone or when our heart feels hurt.

Violet Crystal

Some students like this color as violet related to wisdom and enlightenment. People like to use violet crystal to overcome boring or lack of spiritual growth.

The natural color wheel shows the progression of life and color on the planet earth. In contrast to astrologicial signs and other birthstone lists, the color wheel shows us the color of our birth time on earth. The second ring of the wheel indicates the time associated with the colors. The wheel actually is read in counterclockwise order. Start from the winter solstice at the top and follow the color wheel and the year around to the left. The second inner ring shows the days of the year as the year and the color changes progress through the greens of spring, the yellows of summer, and the reds of autumn.

Not only is the Talismanic Color Wheel of Influence a depiction of the natural order of life through the year, it is also a depiction of the natural order of human life. The year starts as the days become longer at the Winter Equinox. Our lives start at birth. Our lives swing around the same wheel. We start as babies helpless and trusting to other for our care. Then, like other parts of nature, in our springtime of life we experience a period of rapid physical and intellectual growth as we find our way to adulthood and maturity. And, just like other life on Earth, a high summer period of young adulthood occurs when we have the enthusiasm, joy, and physical vigor of youth. We then have usually found our mates and paths and, as we mature into full adulthood, the time of passion arrives. We have found our loves, both physical and spiritual. As we mature and gather experience our lives turn inward with reflection and we see things for their real value. In the fall of our lives, our insights and understanding of our place in the cosmos grows. And we, in the winter of our lives realize periods of high creativity, and growing wisdom.

The Talismanic Color Wheel of Influence shows us the dual nature of color and influence. It shows us that our cycles as people are aligned with the natural cycles of nature. Upon refection, how could this not be so? We are products of this earth.